Time Heals

Whenever we are struck with grief, pain, separation, failure or any disappointment, we hear people say time heals all wounds.

Time is an external entity, our feelings are internal to us. What we are feeling is because of the inside.

Time can’t enter our mind and change our feelings. we have seen in ourselves & others carrying the feelings of the past, something that has happened years back. With external time we might have moved ahead, but internally we are still their.

We consciously or unconsciously affirm that i cannot forget that or i will never forget that, then we loose your ability to step forward.

Actually, why we heal is because, as time passes, we take knowledge, reflect on what happened, talk to other people, understand life’s ways, become emotionally stronger and finally ACCEPT what happened. So this acceptance becomes the key.

Once we accept, we detach our-self and so it becomes easy & light to progress. This acceptance can come immediately & for some it may take months or years. It is choice one needs to take.

analog clock in macro photography

The strength to take this choice depends on your excess to wisdom & spiritual power.

We need to take personal responsibility of healing emotional wounds.

Release all the pain and discomfort.

Not time, only we can heal ourselves.

Love life. Live life.