New Husband And A Beautiful Life

Book : The Power
Author : Rhonda Byrne

I know of a woman who through love alone broke the bars that caged her. She had been left in poverty and faced with bringing up her children by herself after twenty years of an abusive marriage.

Despite the extreme hardship she faced, this woman never allowed resentment, anger, or any ill feeling to take root inside her.

She never talked negatively about her ex-husband but instead gave only positive thoughts and words about her dream of a new, perfect, beautiful husband, and her dream of traveling to Europe.

anchor couple fingers friends

Even though she had no money to travel, she applied for and got a passport and bought small items she would need on her dream trip to Europe.

Well, she did meet her perfect and beautiful new husband. And after marrying, they moved to her husband’s home in Spain overlooking the ocean, where she
now lives in happiness.

This woman refused to talk about what she didn’t love but instead chose to give love and think and talk about what she loved, and in doing so, she set herself free from hardship and suffering, and received a beautiful life.